What’s Tomas up to these days?

Posted: 10th March 2010 by Bethany in random

So, I’ve definitely been slack with respect to writing on our blog site. Sorry! Let’s see if I can get caught up!

For starters, Tomas’ vocab has skyrocketed. He names most animals, insects, and even some fish species -no big surprise as we have lots of fish books! He’s also interested in knowing what EVERYTHING is called. Just the other day we went for a walk and he asked me “what’s that?” for everything along our path, so I pointed out the bricks, windows, asphalt, doorways, garages, cement (as we had already covered trees, flowers, beach, ocean and what not). Now he points these things out along our walks. How cute! He’s also mastered his colours and numbers up to 10.

Tomas’ favourite words or phrases:

  • “What happened?”
  • “What’s that” (sounds like wha dat?)
  • “Wind Blowing” (he’s very conscious of the wind)
  • “Okay” (says this instead of yes)
  • “puff puff” or “choo choo” (for his trains)
  • “Daddy coming” (when he hears the door open and Daddy comes home from work)
  • “More banana bread please”
  • “Please” and “Thank you”
  • “That way” (when directing his train or mommy for example)
  • “BIG” and “small”

Favourite Activities:

  • Swimming in the ocean
  • Scootering (is that a verb?)
  • Playing in the sand
  • Reading books with mommy and daddy and also by himself
  • Setting up a train track in a “big circle!”
  • Playing with puppets
  • Playing with his cars, trucks and diggers
  • Playing any sport that involves a ball
  • Putting stickers on mommy or daddy (Why not paper you ask? Who knows!)
  • Exploring bits that fall from the trees
  • Visiting our 2 favourite neighbourhood cats, Sweet Pea and Rupy
  • Playing with friends (which involves exploring, running, chasing and copying one another)
  • Going out for coffee with mommy (where Tomas gets a babyccino)
  • Talking to his fish (yes we have a live one!)
  • and most importantly, giving lots of hugs and kisses!

Favourite Shows:

  • Dora the Explorer (his absolute fav)
  • Mighty Machines
  • Cars (the movie)
  • Nemo (the movie- only the parts with Dory)
  • In the Night Garden

Whew…..that’s all for now!

  1. cindy mousseau says:

    Wow! What a big boy. Thanks for sharing, I love it and just read them all to Chris. We giggled to “More Banana Bread Please” and stickers on mommy and daddy.
    What a smart boy knowing his bugs and such. But I wouldn’t expect anything less from adventurous parents like yourselves.

  2. cindy mousseau says:

    Oh I forgot, what pray tell, is a Babycinno??? Crack me up.

    • Beth says:

      The babyccino is just the froth of the cappuccino with some chocolate sprinkles on top. It’s super popular here. It usually comes with a couple marshmallows (which I decline as Tomas gets enough sweets already!).