We’re pregnant!

Posted: 29th April 2010 by Bethany in Announcements

We’re very excited to announce that we’re expecting our second child. I’m 12 and a half weeks along and feeling great so far! We just had our 12 week scans of the little bub so thought we’d share a few of them with you.

The baby is due November 6th and no, we’re not planning to find out the sex.

  1. Gillian says:

    Yay!!! Congratulations you three (soon to be four)! This is wonderful news and we are so happy for you!

  2. Cindy, Chris & Jordan says:

    We are so excited to hear this! YAY new baby Kasumovic! Congratulations.

  3. Cindy, Chris & Jordan says:

    We are so excited to hear this! YAY new baby Kasumovic. Congratulations. x0

  4. MCCAWLEY'S says:


  5. andrea says:

    Yay! Congrats to all of you! I’m a little far this time to spend the night the day you go into labour… hope you’re feeling great. We’ll catch up on skype soon.

    miss you lots

  6. Brandon says:

    Hooray! Congratulations Kasumovics! Good luck coming up with a great name for the little one (Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon).

  7. Adrianna says:

    That’s wonderful news! Looks like a boy to me.