Uncle Mark’s 2-week Visit

Posted: 19th August 2010 by Bethany in Big Trips

We’ve had a great 2 weeks with uncle Mark! Can’t believe our holiday is over already! We’re sorry to see you go uncle! It’s been fun.

Here’s a recap of our adventures.

While in Sydney, we took Mark to a few of the sites like Darling Harbour, the Opera House, Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife Centre. More importantly though, we made sure we had plenty of relaxing time at Coogee Beach, walking along the coast from Coogee to Bondi, and spending 4 days up north in Noosa, Queensland.

For me, Noosa was one of the main highlights. Only an hour flight north and we’re in a much more tropical climate! We had warm sunny days (~23oC) although it was a bit windy (I think because of a major storm in the south). We stayed in a holiday apartment near the river (away from most of the tourists who typically bunk at the beach resorts).

During the day we spent time at the beautiful sandy beach – one of the few beaches that faces north. The water is virtually flat and there is a gradual slope into the water which makes it perfect for kids. Even though it was a bit cold, Tomas jumped in with his water wings on. I think he’s definitely ready for summer! On one of the windier days, there were beautiful clean and relatively small waves, just perfect for learning to surf, so Mike and Mark rented boards for a couple hours and tried it out. I had fun watching them and wished I could joinin, but as I was 7 months pregnant, there was no way I was getting on a surf board!

Just 5 minutes from the beach towards the south is Noosa National Forest where we did some short hikes. The forest is surprisingly dense for being so close to the ocean. There were eucalyptus trees,  tea-trees, and crazy vines growing over and consuming very large trees. Unfortunately our photos of the forest were too dark to see anything, but we did get some amazing shots of the coastal hike where we stopped several times and enjoyed the breathtaking scenery of the rocky beach. The sound of the waves crashing ashore was almost like thunder because of all the rocks. Did you notice that I mentioned the forest had eucalyptus trees? And guess what we saw? Not 1 but 3 koalas up in the tree tops sleeping or munching on leaves! SO AMAZING!

At sunset, we strolled along the river, enjoyed gorgeous sunsets, fed the ducks, and watched the pelicans; then we came home for dinner and played our favourite board game, “Catan” once Tomas went to bed.

All in all, a great trip. Come back soon uncle Mark!

  1. cindy Mousseau says:

    What a little boy Tomas is. So sweet. And Beth, I love your belly! So excited. Your new baby will be exactly 2yrs younger than Jordan (give or take a week). Wow.
    Super that Mark got to visit. Family visits are so good for the soul.
    You guys take care. We miss you and have so many new board games to share… alas… ha ha… they will have to wait.
    Hugs from all of us!