Trick or Treat

Posted: 1st November 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This year, Tomas was Vitruvius from the Lego Movie and Ethan was a skeleton cat. In case you don’t know, Vitruvius is a groovy looking wizard. I helped Tomas make his costume, but he painted his shirt and his staff. Ethan had most of his costume already with the addition of cat ears.
Tomas was so excited when I picked him up from school that he practically ran home to get his costume on!
We headed out in a big group to a popular spot in Coogee – it was a bit chaotic but fun all the same!
Halloween seems to be taking off in this country which I’m quite happy about! It’s bit different from my experience as a child – it’s hot, sunny and most parents are toting a beer or glass of wine.








  1. Meme says:

    Cool costume Tomas. I didn’t recognize you.
    Xx Meme