Toronga zoo

Posted: 9th February 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Last weekend we took the ferry across the bay to the Toronga zoo. The weather was overcast and drizzly but we were keen to go so we went anyway. We made the right decision as the animals were very active compared to our previous zoo trips on hot sunny days. We enjoyed watching the elephants play, particularly two youngsters that were pushing each other and tickling each other with their trucks. We were wise this time and sat near the front left of the seal show where you get the best view. That was one if the highlights of our visit. Ethan was so thrilled he was desperate to get in the pool with the seals! And Tomas for the first time put his hand up to participate in part of the show  but wasn’t selected (better luck next time!). We also saw girraffes chowing down, a fennec fox family with 2 pups playing and gorillas chasing one another! Clearly visiting the zoo on a cool day is the way to go!





