Tomas turns 5!

Posted: 23rd January 2013 by Bethany in Announcements

This year, we had Tomas’ party at the picnic area near the beach and playground. It was a “superhero/ robot” theme. Of course it was muggy and hot (~30 oC) so none of the kids really dressed up. They didn’t seem to mind the heat though and were off running to the park and back. Also the cake didn’t melt which was a bonus! We played “pin the arrow on the robot” where the arrow had to point to the #5. (it was something I created out of our scrap paper the night before!). Mike made breakfast sandwiches which were a huge hit! And I think the cake went over well too!

Almost forgot to take photos of the cake and party this year with all the comotion! Maybe next year, the granparents can join us and do the honours!!