Tomas turns 4!

Posted: 15th January 2012 by Bethany in Events

I can hardly believe it. Tomas is 4 years old! And what does he tell me on his birthday but, ” mummy, I want to be 10″. I explain that he won’t be 10 for a long time and that it might be nice to enjoy his time while he’s 4.

Tomas at 4 loves:

  • cutting anything (now that he has mastered scissors). We have containers filled with paper, cardboard, ribbon, tape, stickers, you name it, all cut up into bits.
  • remote control anything. His fav is a laser sensor remote control car, it’s amazing. Thanks Baka, Dida and uncle Mark for that one!
  • ice cream, cake, lollies, chocolate – he’s discovered his sweet tooth and I think it happened over Christmas!
  • video games. You could poke and prod him while he played and he wouldn’t even notice. It’s a great tool when getting his hair cut!
  • mysteries. And yes, we have to solve them. Thanks to Blues Clues – a show which started his interest in mysteries, he likes to look for clues and piece together a puzzle. It doesn’t always make sense; I think it’s more the process that he likes.
  • anything NEW

For his party this year, we held it at home as it was a torrential downpour of rain outside. This was our first large party at the apartment and I admit I was more than nervous. I managed to put together a few indoor games (as I had prepared for outdoor ones, like water balloons!). With some help from my friend Amanda, who brought a “pin the nose on Paco” game and gave me a CD with a great children’s song for the statue game, we had two great games. And I also threw in a “pass the parcel” game.

This year Tomas requested a rocket cake (although I had hoped to make a robot one) and a rocket cake he received! If you look carefully at the photo, you can see a window on the rocket with a picture of a little boy looking out. Yes, that’s a photo of Tomas taking his first rocket ride! The cake turned out quite well. It tasted great and looked pretty good too!

We had 15 kids at the party, ranging from 1 year (Ethan) to 8 years old.  There were 10 boys and 5 girls. We also invited our surrogate nana here in Sydney: our lovely neighbour Jean who lives above us and whom Tomas adores. See the photo of him sitting on her lab eating cake or rather sneaking in a second piece of cake!!

Mike made delicious breakfast sandwiches of egg, bacon and sausage on buns. We also had fruit and fairy bread – the kids favs.

Enjoy the photos!

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  1. Cindy says:

    Beth! You did an amazing job on the cake. Man, you’re getting good at that. And 15 kids in your apartment!? Lordy, woman, you are brave. We’ve never even considered having that many over. LOL
    Ah, the little man is 4. Amazing and awesome.
    Hugs all around!