Tomas turns 3!!!!

Posted: 10th January 2011 by Bethany in Events

Wow, I can’t believe it, my oldest is 3 years old today!! Yesterday, we threw him a party at a park near the beach to celebrate. There were 13 kids (not including Ethan) that ranged from 2 to 7 years old. Because of the wide range of ages, I put together loot bags with water guns and other toys to entertain the kids instead of organizing games as I couldn’t imagine how to do that!! The kids seemed happy with the loot bags and quickly proceeded to squirt us adults with water!

This year, I made a car cake (or rather a “fast car” as Tomas would say) with the help of my wonderful hubby. We modelled the cake after “Lighting McQueen” from the “Cars” movie. I have to say it turned out really well and seeing the expression on Tomas’ face was priceless. All the kids hovered over the cake, examining it, poking here and there, just waiting for a piece. It was so cute!

We sang happy birthday, and within a nano-second Tomas had blown 0ut the only candle that would stay lit. He just couldn’t wait! The cake was a big hit with everyone, although I’m sure I surprised the adults by serving such a sugary coated cake (as the icing is made from marshmallow fondant!). The kids bounced around for about an hour afterward, burning off the sugar, then it was crash time for almost everyone (including Mike and I as we were pooped from staying up so late the night before preparing the cake!).

Thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate Tomas’ third birthday! We had a fantastic time!

  1. MCCAWLEY'S says:

    You guys astound me! Good for you on putting such effort into a cake. You give me a challenge for next year. LOL
    A very happy birthday to Tomas and I can’t believe he’s 3.
    We love you all and miss you.
    Lots of hugs,
    Cindy, Chris & Jordan (& Sweet Pea)

  2. MCCAWLEY'S says:

    And may I add Ethan is adorable. Handsome boys!

  3. Brenna Sekerak says:

    WOW… that cake would put “the cake boss” to shame! I am officially requesting a pixie cake for my next birthday… should be no prob, right? lol Happy Birthday Tomas. We all wish we could be there to share your special day with you! Lots of love. Brenna and Damien