Tomas turns 2!

Posted: 11th January 2010 by Bethany in Events

Happy Birthday Tomas!

Can you believe it? Yes, Tomas is 2 years old this January 10, 2010! We threw him a little party by the beach to celebrate. Mike made mini burgers for the kids, and friends brought chips, dip and fruit. My contribution was the cake, and what a cake it was. I was up till 12:30am the previous night making it (with a bit of help from my hubby). It was a 3D digger cake with fondant icing and I must say, although it was challenging to make, it turned out way better than I expected! The kids loved it, which isĀ  a sure sign that I did something right!

12 kids and 14 adults attended the party – Tomas was thrilled to have all his playmates there. We set up at a gazebo in a small green space along the coast. There’s a playground next to the green space, so the kids can run around while the adults chat. Someone brought a ball, which was great for the boys, especially T, who can’t get enough kick time it seems. It was a pretty hot day, somewhere around 30 degrees C and humid. We were lucky that there was an ocean breeze to keep us cool and prevent the cake from melting!

The party went from 10am to 12pm, which was plenty long -Tomas along with a couple others fell asleep in their prams on the way home, exhausted from too much fun and too much sugar!

Thanks to everyone for their best wishes and generous gifts!

  1. cindy mousseau says:

    Happy Birthday Tomas!
    (sorry I was late on that)
    What a handsome little man.
    Your cake looks fantastic! Good job.