Tomas Takes Up the Pen

Posted: 2nd October 2011 by Bethany in random
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On September 4th, it was Father’s Day here in Oz and so Tomas decided to draw a picture for daddy. This was very exciting news as Tomas has had little interest in drawing to date. And what a drawing he did – his first family portrait! According to Tomas, the individual on the left is daddy, the small one is Ethan, the one that looks like a jellyfish is me, and Tomas is upside down. I couldn’t be prouder!

Later this month, Tomas decides to write a nice note to a friend on her birthday gift and signs his name! I knew he was familiar with the first 3 letters of his name, but what a nice surprise to see that he’s been listening when we talk about letters as he clearly wrote all the letters in his name!

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  1. Cindy says:

    Good job little man!

  2. Brenna Sekerak says:

    Piccaso, Art Nouveaux…. Tomas’s unique personality shinning through!
    Aunty is very proud

  3. Meme says:

    Mom, Tomas made you look like an angel with wings.