Tomas’ First Hair Cut

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Bethany in Events

On September 17th we said a sad good bye to Tomas’ gorgeous baby curls! We went to our local hair salon and he had his first proper hair cut! He was so good sitting still in the chair, we were amazed! I couldn’t believe how different he looked afterwards. He’s definitely a boy now…no more baby!

  1. cindy mousseau says:

    What a little dude! So cute. I’m hoping Jordan’s waves turn into those curls as it grows.

    And its awesome to see that house in the background, it reminds me of Epping where my parents lived!

    all the best

  2. Sarah says:

    So cute!! Darren still hasn’t forgiven me for cutting off Connor’s baby curls….

  3. Andrea says:

    Mike and Tomas had the same hair pre-haircut… Such a big boy Tomas is now.