Snowy holiday

Posted: 17th August 2014 by Bethany in Holidays

So this July we went to Perisher ski resort, our favourite spot in the snowy mountain. We booked our trip for the week following school holidays so that we wouldn’t encounter too many people, but it was quite busy anyway. We lucked out with great snow conditions though- the best snow since the 1980s!! There was so much power that it felt like a completely different experience. Mike and I tried skiing this year which went really well. I had skied twice as a child so I knew the basics, but I suppose that after snowboarding over the past years, I picked it up quickly. And so did Mike, despite never skiing before!

The kids went to ski school for 5 days this time and they thrived there! Ethan started at novice level and ended up on level 4 (where Tomas was last year!). Mike and I saw him and his group while we were sitting on the chair lift! We couldn’t believe that little Ethan was skiing down the Village 8 (and had taken the chair lift to get there!).

Our last ski day, we took Tomas out of school at mid day and spent the arvo with our friends skiing. It was really good fun! All the big kids are skiing so well and kept up with one another – with Ben and Lily leading the way. Tomas really enjoyed that, I could tell.

I saw a new side of Tomas on this trip’ he is usually rather cautious but this trip he purposefully sought out spots where he knew there were jumps and gave them a go! He also skied really fast to the point that I had to hustle to keep up!!

In general, the kids had so much fun playing in the snow. They made, snow men and snow angels, had snow ball fights, and just slid down the nearest slope on their bottoms! There was that much snow! When we returned from our trip, Ethan dreamed about skiing, and still does occasionally. He’s desperate to go back! And so are the rest of us!




as we were

  1. Mem says:

    It sure looks like winter in Canada. What a great family vacation!