School holidays – part 3

Posted: 30th September 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Our first morning at Coffs Barbour and the kids are excited to explore our rather basic holiday home, however they manage to find a few boardgames: star wars monopoly and cleudo (‘clue’ in Canada) which were a huge hit! They also spent a lot of time sliding down the carpeted stairs on their bottoms!

We started off to muttinbird island – a conservation area with what could have been great views but it started raining once we reached the island so we turned back and promptly bought the kids rain coats at the mall. Lucky for us, we had an indoor distraction as there were dinosaur robots throughout the mall which the kids were thrilled about!




After some lunch we went to the butterfly house. The rain had cleared so it was great timing especially as there was an outdoor maze with clues for the kids to answer about butterflies. And once we reached the center of the maze there was a cool puzzle where you had to choose patterns of color to go from point A to B.  These were huge hits with the boys!
The butterflies were cool too. The technician showed us colourful caterpillars,  butterflies that just hatched from their chrysalis, and mating butterflies – all of which captivated Tomas. He even got to hold one. Then he spent the rest of the time waiting for one to land on him – many other kids doing the same thing!


