San Fran

Posted: 22nd June 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips
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Our first stop on our way to Canada was San Francisco. We went to visit a couple very good friends and we also wanted to try something different this time by breaking up the flight. So 14 hours later we arrived in San Fran.

We stayed with our dear friend Damian who was such a host! I’m quite sure that Tomas remembered him from previous years and he was instantly all over him! We also had a lovely time with Maddy, a friend and colleague of Mike and Damian’s. Maddy is one of Tomas’ favourite people. While she was in Sydney recently working,Tomas bonded with her over a live game of Blues Clues!

Our highlights of the trip were eating at delicious restaurants, taking the kids to fun places like Fairyland and various parks, and having an adult night out where we went to a chic restaurant, “Guest Chef”, for dinner and hunted around for unique ice cream for dessert. My choice was black sesame seed – amazing!

All in all a fab time!  So great to see you guys!

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  1. Cindy says:

    Okay. love Ethan’s belly. Love it.
    And what a great stop over. Nice way to shake it up.