Royal National Park

Posted: 19th September 2011 by Bethany in Outings, Uncategorized

On Friday, our good friend, Maddie who’s also  colleague of Mike’s took the boys and I to the Royal National Park. It’s about an hours drive south of Sydney. The boys were amazing during the car ride. Ethan slept on the way and Tomas chatted away about everything he saw out the window.

We drove to Garie Beach first – a beautiful pristine beach with few people save some fishermen and surfers. We played in the sand and watched the amazing surf. I ended up talking to one of the fishermen who said he was fishing for salmon, and, by the way, “did I see the whales in the distance”? How did I miss that!! A small pod were traveling by diving in the water and making huge splashes. Awesome!

Our second stop was at Bundeena (also in the park) where there is a large shallow bay that is great for the kids. Tomas had a blast splashing around and soaking Maddie with his water shooter. Ethan had a good nap and played in the sand, eating a fair bit…what else is new?!

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  1. Meme says:

    Tomas and Ethan are having such fun! The pics of you and the boys on the beach have me missing summer already. It’s the first day of fall here in Canada. Love to all

  2. Andrea says:

    Looks like a great trip! Today felt like summer here in Halifax, but I’m sure we’ll be back to fall weather soon. The leaves are already starting to change colour…

  3. Brenna Sekerak says:

    Looks like an amazing time! Sitting here with my wooly socks and sweater… imagining dipping my toes in the pristine ocean with you guys.