Mike’s Good News

Posted: 5th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

The Australian Research Council has awarded Mike a ‘Discovery Grant’ which means that he has funding for 3 years to do research!This is great news as his current funding expires at the end of this year! So, hats off to Mike! The only hitch is that it doesn’t come with a salary. We’re waiting to hear about another grant which would cover his salary for the next 4 years. We’ll keep you posted.

What does this all mean? We may be staying in Sydney for another 3-4 years!

  1. Gillian says:

    Wow, that’s great news! Congratulations!
    We’ll keep our fingers crossed that the other portion of the funding falls into place seamlessly.

  2. Meme says:

    Congratuations Mike! What a great opportunity. Your hard work is paying off!