Mike wins again!

Posted: 14th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

We just received the best news. Mike has been awarded the DECRA (Discovery Early Research Award). This grant will cover his salary for the next 3 to 4 years. It looks like Mike’s hard work writing these grants has paid off! He now has, not only a crap load of research money for the next 3-4 years, he has a salary! BONUS! Soon he’ll be looking for PhD students to supervise.

The bottom line….we’re set to live in Sydney for the next 3-4 years!

  1. Andrea says:

    HOOOOOORAY!!!! Congrats!

  2. Fatema says:

    Congratulations! So pleased for you guys!

  3. Brandon says:

    Congrats buddy! You deserve it…along with some ketchup on a duck.