Mike wins again!

Posted: 28th July 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

I meant to post this ages ago! Mike received another award – this time from the prestgteous American  Society of Naturalists. http://www.asnamnat.org/awards

He won the 2011 Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigators Award

The Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigators Award was established in 1984 to  recognize outstanding and promising work by investigators who received their doctorates in the three years preceding the application deadline or who are in their final year of graduate school. Jasper Loftus-Hills (1946-1974) was an Australian biologist of exceptional promise, who had published 16 articles in the three years after receiving his degree. He was killed by a hit-and-run driver while tape recording frog calls along a Texas highway. After his death, a frog was named in his honor, Eleutherodactylus jasperi. The award includes presentation of a research paper at the annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists, an award of $500, a travel allowance of $700, and a supplement of $500 in case of international travel.


Way to go Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Meme says:

    Congratulations on receiving this award! We’re so proud of you! When there is an opportunity I brag a little about you at Bridge.