Meme’s visit

Posted: 6th August 2014 by Bethany in Holidays

In April, my mum, known as Meme (pronounced with a French accent aigu), came to visit for 3 weeks.

As our blog was on the fritz for the past few months, I have yet to post any photos from her trip, so here is the brief version of our 3 weeks together!

Meme arrived and we immediately drove north to Port Stephens for 4 nights and stayed in a lovely holiday home with a granny flat out back. It was a gorgeous spot – beautiful beaches, pelicans and a lovely hike through Tomaree National Park to the summit with amazing views (despite a trickle of rain). We even had a temporary pet as a neighbourhood cat had adopted us and hung around the whole time. The kids named her Rosie and were thrilled to experience life with a pet!

When we got back to Sydney, we spent a week doing day trips. We went to Centennial Park, the markets, walked along the coast and hung out at Coogee Beach. A few highlights included the “Incredible Eating Boy” theater production at the Opera House – the first play for the kids which was a huge hit. And the first time my mum had been inside the Opera House – also a hit. Another highlight was a coastal walk with the kids along Coogee Bay towards Maroubra when in the distance we spotted a pod of dolphins splashing about. It was great timing as we were due for a lunch break, so we sat on the rocky cliff and watched the dolphins jumping out of the water – what a treat. And the third highlight was a bit of mum and daughter time where we hiked the 6km between Coogee and Bondi Beaches. It had been 3 years since I did that walk and it felt great! We had a gorgeous sunny day for it, and really enjoyed our time together.

Our final hurrah was a dinner picnic at Coogee Beach – a bit early for that as the sun was setting at 5:45 or so, but we enjoyed it all the same in the dark!