Meme Visits

Posted: 18th December 2010 by Bethany in Events

On November 24th, my mother (affectionately known as Meme) arrived for a 3 week visit. We were thrilled to have family here again and we appreciated the extra help with the kids.

Meme adjusted quickly to our early to rise – early to bed routine and our active lifestyle. The kids were thrilled to have a grandparent here, especially Tomas who wouldn’t leave Meme alone to do anything including laundry and dishes.  (I also remember Tomas doing the same thing with uncle Mark when he visited).

We did a few of the touristy things in the City such as the Sydney Aquarium, Wildlife Centre, Opera House, and Australian Museum, otherwise we spent most of our time at Coogee Beach. Luck for us the weather was mostly good, so there were plenty of beach days.

Thanks to Meme we have many photos of us from her time here, so enjoy!!

Meme, you will be missed!

  1. Cindy says:

    Oh that’s so great that your mom came! How amazing for everyone. Lots of love, I’m sure. And Tomas! He’s just growing so tall. Beautiful boys, you two.
    Hugs from the McCawley’s!