Melbourne Holiday

Posted: 25th December 2011 by Bethany in Big Trips
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For our first trip with two kids, we went to Melbourne, Victoria for 4 days. It’s only a 1.5 hour flight from Sydney so we figured this would be a good starter trip for us. As the weather is unpredictable in Melbourne we planned for hot and cool weather, and ended up with a pleasant mixture of the two. We stayed in a holiday apartment in East Melbourne, near an artistic area called Collingwood. It turned out to be a superb location as we were near a tram that led us into downtown, the harbour, and a couple of the tourist spots.

For 3 of the days we spent touring the City. We walked around Collingwood, trying various cafes. We spent a day at Saint Kilda – apparantly a real hot spot as it has a beach but we much prefer our beach here in Coogee. But the highlights for us were the Aquarium, which had many interactive stations where you could touch marine creatures and the Melbourne Museum, which had a superior children’s section and a great bug display that Mike took time to photograph!

The highlight of the trip for me was our mini road trip along the ocean road on day 4.  We enjoyed the gorgeous views of the ocean and stopped at a small town called Lorne which was super kid friendly as it had a large coastal park, beach and trampolines! That was our only stop along the 3 hour drive to see the 12 apostles – a series of rock formations that have broken away from the coastline, which was…..breathtaking.

All in all, the kids behaved rather well on the trip. They were crazy at our holiday apartment though. They found a new love – jumping on the fold out lounge and diving into pillows. It almost drove Mike and I mad. As a result, we didn’t spend much time there.

We’d be happy to return to Melbourne again! It was fantastic!

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  1. Andrea says:

    Looks like you guys had a great time – and the boys are getting so big. Miss you lots. xoxo

  2. Mark says:

    Great pictures! Looks like a great trip! I love the panoramas too, very cool coast!

  3. Meme says:

    A wonderful trip! Love all the photos. Miss you