Last horah before Christmas

Posted: 15th December 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This weekend we went to the Blue Mountains and spent a night at the luxurious Fairmont Resort. I picked that spot because I knew it would be a big hit with the kids as it had an indoor and outdoor pool, ball pit and climbing room, games room and a giant fish tank! So if the weather didn’t cooperate we were set!! Oddly enough the weather was poor as it was rainy. But the kids especially Tomas were super keen to hike anyway! We went on a couple treks  our first day, just near the three sisters and katoomba falls, which was nice. But the rain came down harder so we packed it in for the resort. The kids played in the play room and we all enjoyed a nice swim. Then the weather cleared so braved dinner out at a fab restaurant called Leura Garage. Mike found this place online and what a find it was! Amazing decore with old bits from a mechanic shop used in interesting ways. The food and wine were delicious and the kids actually sat in their seats for the most part. It was our first civilized dinner out as a family!!
The next day was more of the same except this time we treked along the Leura Cascades – going down the valley and back up. The scenery was gorgeous changing from a dry rocky climate to a lush dense rainforest at the foot of the falls. Tomas would have hiked more I think but Ethan was wrecked so we stopped there.

All in all, a nice break at the end of school!









