Kangaroo Island – day 2

Posted: 25th November 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

The next day we headed to Seal Bay where we paid to walk through the conservation area, onto the sand where the sea lions were lounging about. It was well worth the fee to be so close to one of the largest colonies of sea lions, approximately 1,000 in total. Apparently people could walk this beach 20 years ago as it was not a conservation area then. However over the past 25 years the sea lion population has declined so the conservation park is very strick with respect to public access. Nevertheless we got nice and close enough to see these  cuties. They were more active than they appear in these photos, making quick studies to towards the ocean before flopping on the ground in exhaustion. We also saw a mum coax her young into the water for a bit of swim training – adorbs!





This photo shoes sea lion pup tracks!


As it was a rather windy day, we opted for a more sheltered activity rather than the sand dune surfing we had planned. So off we went to the Kelly Hill Caves. As we had some time before the tour we embarked on a 20 minute hike through the forest of gums. Tomas spotted an echidna and Ethan spotted a frog -very unusual finds!




Catching insects, or trying to!

And off to the cave tour! These caves are formed from groundwater moving upwards and causing a collapse of the limestone rock creating a cavernous space where stalactites and stalagmites begin their life. Something I have not seen in my previous caving experience! Apparently the caves at this site extend for 7 km towards to coast! Incredible! Also amazing that there are not more cases if land surface collapsing in that area.


