Kangaroo Island – day 1

Posted: 24th November 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Our darling family finally made a long awaited trip to kangaroo island. South Australia. We had planned to go last year but as it’s so challenging to get there we cancelled our trip.

This time we were fully prepared for the 1 hour flight to Adelaide, 1.5 hour drive to Cape Jervis and 1 hour ferry to the island. Whew!! A logistical nightmare but we’ll worth the effort!

Our house was gorgeous, situated at island beach (not the most original name!). It was so quiet we could hear leaves crumple as wallabies slowly walked by munching on plants. They also liked fruit, which we found out after placing a few apple slices and grapes on the ground for them. And they were super cute to watch while they ate.

The beach was lovely, completely void of people. The boys dug in the wet sand for yabies, jumped in piles of dried seaweed and collected shells, sea sponges, and the biggest cuttlefish bones I’ve ever seen!







