June Favs

Posted: 1st July 2010 by Bethany in Monthly Favs
  1. Teta Vera says:

    Hi again from Canada!!!!!!!!!

    How I love seeing your photos!!! I looked at the new baby again, as well – truly amazing!!! Tomas is the cutest little guy ever – and parents are not half bad either eh? How could he not be cute!

    How are you all doing? How is Mommy feeling? It is wonderfull that Tomas will have a sibling – you’ll see how much he will love the baby……… Luca adores Tea and vice versa.

    We just came back from spending a holiday together with Ksenija, Marcel, Heather and kids – very enjoyable – little ones change so much in such a short time.

    So Tomas went pee in the potty – it feels in the beginning that they will take forever to learn but, it all comes so quickly and now, we almost can’t remember when Luca did not go potty – it all becomes so natural. Second child learns even quicker since they want to immitate the older one and they try even harder (hopefully Tea won’t try to do it standing up, ha,ha).

    Good luck in your job search Michael, and all the best to you Beth, hope your pregnancy is super easy – have fun way down under –
    we’re looking forward to seeing you in person and spending time with you up over here…..oh, I think Uncle Mark is coming over soon, that will be a lot of fun for everyone – enjoy !!!!
    Love and Hugs from all of us in Canada and the Big Apple xoxo
    yours, teta vera

    • Hi Teta Vera!
      So nice to hear from you! Glad you had a nice holiday with the whole family! That sounds lovely.
      Yes, we’re very excited that Tomas is using the toilet, but I think it will take some time before we work all the kinks out!
      My pregnancy has been easy-going so far. I’m 24 weeks and the baby is moving all the time. I think we have another active child on the way!!
      Mike’s work is going well. He’s keeping his eye open for job opportunities in Canada, but so far, hasn’t found anything.
      Thanks for all your good wishes. Say a big hello to the family for us:)
      Love Beth