Is Tomas an Aussie?

Posted: 10th March 2011 by Bethany in random

We’re now seeing some signs that my son is becoming an Aussie! For example….

He likes to eat some Aussie staples like veggie mite sandwich, banana bread, twiggy sticks (pepperoni sticks), chicken flavoured crackers (yuk!), fairy bread (white bread with butter and colourful sprinkles on top – a winner at every birthday party) and sausages.

He now says some Aussie vocab like:

  • “Tissue” instead of “Klenex”
  • “Capsicum” instead of  “Pepper”
  • “Rubbish” instead of  “Garbage”
  • “Foot path” instead of  “Sidewalk”
  • “Slippery dip” instead of “Slide” – yes, i know this is a weird one. I have to say Tomas tends to say “Slide” more often than “Slippery dip” – it’s just easier!! But when conversing with other kids at the park, he’s forced to speak their lingo and so “Slippery dip” it is!
  • “Bubba” instead of “Baby” or “Infant”
  • “Scuttle scuttle scuttle” for the noise an insect makes as it runs by. Not sure what you Canucks say and maybe this isn’t even Aussie, but it’s super cute!
  • “No worries” instead of “Thank you”. He even corrects me when I say thank you and says, no its “no worries” mummy!

He’s able to identify most Aussie birds like the kookaburra,white and black cockatoo, lorikeet, pied currawong, magpie, miner bird, black swan, and ibis. It should be interesting to see what he makes of the Ontario birds on our visit this Canadian summer!!

And the latest trend towards Aussie-ism is that he loves cricket! I’m sure he’d also love baseball, heck, any sport where you hit a ball would go over well!!

  1. Andrea says:

    Love all of the pics and miss you all so much. I’m already counting down the days till your visit back to Canada! I can’t believe how big both boys are getting… or that the night you went into labour with Tomas is already more than three years ago.

    Love to everyone,
    miss you,
