Happy Holidays!

Posted: 4th January 2012 by Bethany in random

A bit late I know….but nevertheless, here’s our holiday story!

Every year, we have a Chris-kringle with a few families. Emma, Mike’s colleague and dear friend of ours hosts this event every year, which is super nice of her and her hubby, Sam. This year, Tomas was really into it and enjoyed the gift exchange and was thrilled to playi with all the kids. The kids ages range from 1 to 8, the eldest being, Tomas’ favourite pseudo big brother, Ben. (See photos)

We spent Christmas morning at home opening gifts from Santa. Tomas was especially excited this year! He opened gift after gift with growing excitement! And he helped his little brother open his gifts as well! Ethan got into the unwrapping near the end by pulling at the paper. And he was excited to play with his new toys.

Later that morning we went for a swim in the ocean as it was a beautiful hot and sunny day. (No I’m not trying to make you Canuks jealous, it’s just a fact!). Afterwards, we went to our friends’ (Sally and Scott, and their sons, Alex (3) and Euan (4 months))  for lunch at 1pm, which strethed on until 5:30pm! They have a lovely yard in their small building that was shared between the 4 units and as it happened, the neighbours below were also having an outdoor lunch. The neighbours’ teenaged son must have been bored because he entertained Tomas and Alex for most of the day! When the boys weren’t wrestling with the teen, they found lots of things to do, like jump on the trampoline, wash the trees with paint rollers (using water only!) or play with the walky-talky that Tomas received as a Christmas gift.  Ethan also enjoyed being outside and was happy to explore the backyard. This all went well until Ethan discovered the rather steep staircase up to our friends’ apartment and headed for them whenever he was out of our sight! It meant for lots of sprinting to the stairs to catch him before he started climbing!

In general, us adults had quite a a relaxing afternoon with few interuptions from the kids – amazing! By the time 5:30 came around, we had to scramble out of there as we were late for our dinner date! We arrived at Kate and Matt’s just after they had eated with their family, but that was ok as we weren’t super hungry anyway. A few of the kids and aunties were having a dance party in the living room when we arrived and Tomas and Ethan quickly joined in. Their family members slowly fiiltered out and we sat down to a late dinner as it seemed everyone was hungry again. This time we had a more traditional Aussie bbq with loads of shrimp -yum!

We got the kids home by 8:30pm which was late for them as they ususally go to bed between 7-7:30. All in all, a fantastic Christmas! Thanks to all our dear friends for hosting this year! we’ll return the favour next year!

For New Year’s, we once again, went to Emma and Sam’s for a lovely dinner, followed by fireworks at Coogee Beach – our first time seeing the fireworks at the beach since we moved to Sydney! It was spectacular! And the kids stayed up until 9:30pm! A new record!


Happy holidays to all!

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  1. Gillian says:

    Looks like such an awesome and memorable holiday! Beautiful (the holiday, the trip, and your family). Happy 2012 to you all.
    Love and misses,