Happy Halloween

Posted: 1st November 2012 by Bethany in Outings

Our first trick or treat experience and Tomas couldn’t be more excited! In fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so excited! After barely getting dinner down, we dressed in a hurry and awaited our friends Antonin and Milli to arrive.
With ants in our pants we rushed upstairs to our neighbour Jean’s for our first truck or treat!
Then our first batch of trick or treaters arrived and Tomas and Ethan stood in awe as 10 kids emptied our bowl of lollies.
That was it! – we couldn’t wait any longer! Off we went (sending a txt for our friends to meet us enroute).
We were lucky that a few streets nearby had several houses giving out candy. As Halloween is relatively new Australia we saw a few differences from the American way :
1. People gave homemade treats
2. People offered the whole bowl of treats and kids picked what they wanted
3. People stood outside their home offering ,like at the front gate giving out candy






  1. Meme says:

    The kids look like their loving it. How refreshing to see Ethan and Tomas enjoying Halloween in Australia the way we did. We loved getting home-made candy apples. Nice pumpkin.