Ethan at 1

Posted: 13th November 2011 by Bethany in random

At one year old, Ethan has become quite the little person. He is saying all kinds of new baby words, like dat, dada, ish, woff, and baba. He is also communicating very well by pointing his finger and using his eyes. We’ve been able to figure out what he wants in most cases. It’s truly amazing as we are able to avoid lots of dramas.

Around his birthday he took a few steps on his own, which is a major breakthrough because he has been holding our hands for the past 3 months while walking! He’s now walking across the living room between Mike and I (which adds up to about 8 steps). It’s so cute! He has great balance and I know he’ll just take off at some point….perhaps soon!

Ethan has become very enthusiastic about EVERYTHING of late. He shrieks when he sees his brother and starts to chase him almost immediately. He loves watching the birds outside our apartment, especially  two kookaburra families that are a constant presence. He gets excited about who knows what and starts to run around in a circle at full tilt! It’s hilarious.

He’s also very coordinated. He can throw a ball  of any size with good direction.  And he can catch a beach ball or balloon with a big clap of his hands. Mike has fondly called Ethan  ”meat hooks’ because of his unique catching technique. It really is something to see!

Ethan is still a good eater and pretty much eats anything Mike and I eat (which is refreshing as Tomas is a picky eater), although just recently he’s decided he doesn’t like eating in the high chair, so he’ll scream until we get him out. The he’ll either eat while sitting on our lap or while walking around the living room. Looks like he won this battle.

His sleeping habits have changed and I think it’s because he’s processing so many new things at the moment. I’m hoping that’s all it is anyway. He used to only wake once and occasionally twice per night; now he wakes 3-4 times!

And finally, Ethan’s favourite thing aside from his big brother is his brother’s scooter. Ethan can’t get enough of it. He grabs it any chance he can like when Tomas isn’t using it at the park. He’ll hold onto the handle bar with one hand while holding my hand with the other, then he’ll jump on and actually start pushing himself along! I’m wondering when he’ll give this a go without me beside him to catch him when he falls. I perceive lots of bruises in his future. Note to self, get a helmet soon!