Easter Weekend

Posted: 1st April 2013 by Bethany in Holidays

Just when we thought the kids could not get any more chocolate, the next door neighbours, a lovely young couple brought treats for the kids, then later this weekend, our neighbour upstairs, our surrogate grandmum, brought more chocolate for the kids. They were in heaven! And after a few mishaps when the kids had too much chocolate, we quickly mitigated their intake and all was well Easter Weekend!

We started off the weekend with a trip to a new park that has a bike trail for kids with stop lights and other traffic signals. It’s super cute. Tomas road his bike for a while but then switched to his scooter which he is more comfortable on and so could go super fast! Ethan managed to keep up fairly well. Thank goodness for helmets! They also had a great playground that the kids enjoyed. Later Friday afternoon, we went to Rose bay, a small harbour north of us which we’ve never been to, to meet a couple friends who just had a baby and were about to move country…..hmmm sounds familiar!

Saturday we braved the Easter Show (well the small version anyway) held at Fox Studios. It has plenty of rides and games but also a large tent with farm animals to pet and cool attractions like a drumming circle and a giant maze. The kids even had their first taste of “fairy floss” (cotton candy to you Canuks) which they liked a bit too much!

The Easter Bunny visited that night and hid some chocolate eggs and bunnies for the kids and even ate some along the way. Sunday morning, Ethan woke up early as usual; the sun had not come up yet. But for some reason he bent down and managed to find an egg in the darkness! He must have a sixth sense for chocolate! Well that got the hunt started in a hurry! After scarfing down a bunch of chocolate, we took the kids to meet some friends at Wattamolla in the Royal National Park (one of our favourite spots). It is a gorgeous remote area with a quiet beach and a sand dune that separates it from a river estuary. There is a waterfall and lagoon within view – too fun! Tomas actually spent 4 HOURS in the water! I could not believe it! He only came out to wolf down some food, then went straight back into the water. We mostly hung around the river mouth as it was shallow enough for all the kids of various ages. Ethan, being the youngest, managed quite well!

That brings us to Monday….which you can imagine was spent doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!