Crazy storms

Posted: 5th June 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

A mini cyclone hit NSW in May. So much sand was washed onto the coastal areas. The streets,  parks and parking lots were covered in sand! It was so windy, many trees fell to the ground and we saw smashed cars and buildings in our neighborhood. Surrounding areas are hit even worse with flooding, power outtages, and general damage.




The entrance way is a paved walkway that we use regularly. On either side is grasslands where we usually picnic – now all of it is under sand!


Our first hail storm in Sydney! What an experience for the boys! Golf ball size hail was falling to the ground, making a terrible racket! It looked beautiful, just like a fresh snow fall! The boys could barely contain themselves; they put on raincoats and headed outside to collect the hail. I had to pull them in when I saw lightening tho. Ethan still recalls the day it rained ice cubes!!

Fun fact: cars damaged in hail storms are not protected by insurance. We were surprised to see our neighbor cover his car in blankets during the storm – apparently that’s not uncommon – crazy!


