Convos with Ethan

Posted: 10th March 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Today on the way home from work/school with all of us in the car.

Ethan: dad, we’ll have to buy a new car soon because your head almost touches the roof.

Mum: don’t worry, daddy will shrink soon.

Ethan: Then are you going to die (dad)?

On the weekend…..after a particularly bad night with a mosquito.

Ethan: mum, I know how to keep the mossies away

Mum: how?

Ethan: I will wear armour to bed and when the mossies come, they will ‘ping’ off my armour.

Mum: oh that’s a good idea…

James: we should really write songs using the funny things children say for lyrics.

Mum: yesssss!

While I was chatting with Poppi on skype while Ethan played Lego nearby…

Mum: ok dad, great chatting, guess I’ll sign off.

Ethan: THAT’S YOUR DAD????!!!??

Funny how he clued into the conversation for that revelation!