Christmas 2009

Posted: 6th January 2010 by Bethany in Events

For Xmas this year, we attended the carols at Coogee Beach, which was super fun and busy as you can see in these photos! We went with some friends and had a picnic. All in all a great time! Xmas day was pretty quiet this year, just hung in at home for the morning, exchanged gifts and talked to family on skype. Tomas was thrilled to open presents for the first time, which was so cute to watch! He loved all his gifts, so thanks to all of you! In the afternoon we went to a friend’s place for dinner and drinks. Had to stay inside this year as the weather was crap. But, not to worry, Tomas had a blast playing with his friend Charlie and I dare say the adults got a bit tipsy! Merry Christmas to you all!

  1. cindy mousseau says:

    Glad you had a lovely Christmas in Sydney! All the best from the McCawley Family. x0