Archive for the ‘random’ Category

Cool socks

Posted: 10th October 2012 by Bethany in random

Wearing his new transformer socks – on the outside of his pants of course, otherwise you wouldn’t see them!


Posted: 8th October 2012 by Bethany in random

Its science!

Posted: 8th October 2012 by Bethany in random

On a rainy morning, the kids got busy experimenting with colour!

Nice try dad!

Posted: 8th October 2012 by Bethany in random

Thought you could do some work in the kitchen? Nice try! That looks waaaaaay too interesting!

He reads!

Posted: 17th August 2012 by Bethany in random

On August 15 while we were eating dinner, Tomas surprised us by reading his first word on the ketchup bottle – the word “NO”! He sounded it out by himself without any coaxing from us. It appears that he HAS been listening to our lessons!

The hulk and friend

Posted: 15th August 2012 by Bethany in random

Tomas and Ariel enjoying their green lollies.


Posted: 14th August 2012 by Bethany in random

Back in Australia and we’ve encountered some cold winter weather! A bit of a shocked coming from sunny hot Canada! On Sunday we even deported our winter duds (see photo). It was the first time I brought out my down-filled jacket since we moved here. It was a low of 5 oC and high of […]

April Bash

Posted: 16th April 2012 by Bethany in random

Here’s a mish-mash of photos from April. Some of the highlights include: Easter dinner at our friend, Jonci’s apartment where a small group of people from the uni gathered for an awesome bbq dinner! Tomas and Ethan were the only kids there and they provided lots of entertainment. The gang went over the top and […]

More of Tomas’ Creative Side

Posted: 7th March 2012 by Bethany in random


Splish Splash

Posted: 7th March 2012 by Bethany in random

On our way home from preschool on a very hot, humid day, we were invited to splash in the sprinkler that was watering the grass along one of our pathways. The kids were thrilled! This was Ethan’s first time playing in a sprinkler and I don’t think he knew what to make of it. But […]