Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

Tomas rides!

Posted: 24th January 2013 by Bethany in Announcements

Our first day back after camping and Tomas immediately requests that the training wheels be removed from his bike. And here he goes! (click on video file below)   VID_20130123_154331

Tomas turns 5!

Posted: 23rd January 2013 by Bethany in Announcements

This year, we had Tomas’ party at the picnic area near the beach and playground. It was a “superhero/ robot” theme. Of course it was muggy and hot (~30 oC) so none of the kids really dressed up. They didn’t seem to mind the heat though and were off running to the park and back. […]

Even his beard wins!

Posted: 18th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements Yay Mike’s beard!

Its happened….

Posted: 17th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements

After 4.5 years of attaining his own funding and winning several awards, Mike has been offered a permanent position at the University of New South Wales! We couldn’t be more thrilled to finally call Sydney our home! Of course the news is bitter sweet as we’ll miss our family and friends overseas! Know that you […]

Way to go Mike!

Posted: 12th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements

The Faculty of Science Early Career Researacher Award goes to …

Mike wins again!

Posted: 14th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

We just received the best news. Mike has been awarded the DECRA (Discovery Early Research Award). This grant will cover his salary for the next 3 to 4 years. It looks like Mike’s hard work writing these grants has paid off! He now has, not only a crap load of research money for the next […]

Mike’s Good News

Posted: 5th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

The Australian Research Council has awarded Mike a ‘Discovery Grant’ which means that he has funding for 3 years to do research!This is great news as his current funding expires at the end of this year! So, hats off to Mike! The only hitch is that it doesn’t come with a salary. We’re waiting to […]

Mike wins again!

Posted: 28th July 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

I meant to post this ages ago! Mike received another award – this time from the prestgteous American  Society of Naturalists. He won the 2011 Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigators Award The Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigators Award was established in 1984 to  recognize outstanding and promising work by investigators who received their doctorates […]

Welcome Ethan!

Posted: 5th November 2010 by Bethany in Announcements

Announcing the arrival of our son, ETHAN MATTHEW KASUMOVIC. Ethan was born November 1st at 8pm. He was 3.4 kilos (7.5 Lbs) and 54 cm long. Ethan came rushing into this world after only 3 hours of labour (20 minutes of pushing)! I was lucky to get to the hospital in time! There wasn’t even […]

Mike Wins Tall Poppy Award!!!

Posted: 21st October 2010 by Bethany in Announcements

The Young Tall Poppy Award recognizes the achievements of outstanding young researchers from various science backgrounds who are working in Australia.  In 2010, ten scientists were honoured this award here in New South Wales, Mike being one of them.  Way to go Mike! Here’s some photos from the awards ceremony where we couldn’t find a […]