Canadian Summer

Posted: 26th August 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips
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Took a while to get this posting finished as I only recently uploaded photos to my computer!

We were fortunate to visit Canada again this summer and we made the most of our 2 months there. We stopped in San Franscisco for 4 days before heading to Hamilton, Ontario. Breaking up the flight in this way actually helped us get over the jet lag and program our bodies to eastern standard time quickly, which was great!

We arrived at Mike’s parents’ place on June 10th and had a lovely mini-reunion with his side of the family. Mike departed early the following morning for New Mexico for a conference, so the poor guy had to hop on a plane again and go back the direction we had just come from. He was gone for 5 days during which time the kids and I got settled and visite family.

Over the span of 7 weeks, Mike also had a second conference in Ottawa for 5 days, and field work in Toronto for 5 days. Despite his crazy work schedule we managed to do several day trips and play in the backyard at Mike’s parents house – soccer, splashing in the wading pool, jumping in the sprinkler, and having water fights. The kids had a blast and glowed in the shower of attention!

Towards mid-July, Mike and I and the kids spent some time with friends away at cottages and at friends’ houses, which was great as we had not seen many people for a long time and had several new kiddos to meet! Our kids were especially thrilled to have some playmates closer to their age!

Mike and I also managed to get away to the Montreal Jazz Festival for a couple nights and enjoy some alone time, amazing music and street entertainment.

All in all, a great trip. So nice to see you all while we were in town! And for those we missed, we’ll catch you next time!

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  1. Cindy says:

    You know what’s amazing (and making me tear up at some of the boys snuggling with different family members) is that it is a time when a family can move across the globe and still reunite with family every year. Two generations ago, and in some cases just one generation before us or even currently, this is not an option. Once you made the choice to move away you also chose a new life and had to leave family behind. What a thrill for everyone to get together. I bet you’re also getting better at organizing your trips home for visits! I’ll email you some photos from the Science Centre. x0