Canada Trip Vol.1: Family

Posted: 28th July 2011 by Bethany in Big Trips

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  1. Meme says:

    We loved every minute we had with you here. If only time could be made to stand still…I guess that’s what memories are for. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

  2. We had a blast too Meme! Wish we could teleport to Canada for another visit!

  3. Cindy says:

    Oh! I love the Papa holding sleeping Ethan photo! So very sweet. And I love this album. The boys are smiling in almost every single photo, they obviously loved being here with family.

  4. Brenna Sekerak says:

    So heart warmimg… Our (Sekerak/ Kasumavic) family has so much love to give, we are truly blessed to have eachother!
    Thank you Beth for being the glue that holds it all together.