Camping at Jervis Bay

Posted: 18th March 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips
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Since we enjoyed our last camping trip with the kids, we thought we would try another trip somewhere a bit more remote. Jervis Bay is a beautiful bay located about 3 hours south of Sydney.  We arrived Thursday March 15 and the campsite was empty. It was around 2pm and the wildlife was prevalent.  We had just set up the tent when two grey kangaroos appeared (a mum and bub). They had a nice drink at the water tap, cruised around our tent and left. Then we saw, a few crimson rosellas – gorgeous parrots with red bellies and purple wings, wallabies, fish, and a ton of kokaburras.

Tomas took off exploring the forest and came back with his first find – a leech! We explained once again that he shouldn’t pick up any creatures without checking with mum and dad first. The leech had not latched on so Tomas didn’t know what they were capable of, but he soon found out! Not a minute later he came running back to us screaming as this time a nice fat leech had latched onto his foot. I grabbed the salt shaker and gave the leech a good dose while Mike pulled it off. Tomas was freaked out to say the least. Blood was dripping down his foot and we desperately needed a bandaid – the one thing we forgot! So off to the neighoughbours we went for a bandaid or two!

We went to the beach in the afternoon. On our way we crossed over a creek which was lined with melaleuca trees. You could smell the tea tree oil and see the tea colour from the tree roots in the water. It was pretty cool. The kids loved the creek and stopped to throw leaves into the rushing water.

We arrived at the beach and were the only ones around. The beach was beautiful – white silty sand as far as the eye could see and clear blue water. It was a bit wavy but the kids didn’t mind, they jumped right in. Tomas was swimming on his own, riding the waves and diving underneath them.

For dinner we had a bbq at the communal bbq area where there were some picnic tables to eat at. We were surprised to see so many kookaburras in the trees and soon found out why. As I was eating my sausage, a kookaburra dive bombed me and tried to grab it! This is why you don’t feed native animals. The large group of people at another picnic table had no regard for nature or people’s safety and were feeding the kookaburras, but who was attacked? Me!

That night we slept like champs – it being a weekday and quiet in the campground. Mike and I even enjoyed a game of cribbage and a few glasses of wine.

Friday, the weekend campers rolled in. We pottered around in the morning and decided to go for a hike a short drive up the coast. Once there though, the kids weren’t too thrilled with hiking down the trail and so we cut it short and headed to the beach once again. This section of the beach was even more pristine than the area near the campground so we stayed for quite a while  and we all had a great swim.

Afterwards, we drove to a nearby town called Huskisson so the kids could nap a bit. When they awoke we had ice cream (which Ethan thoroughly enjoyed as you can see from the photos!).

Friday night we shared the communal campfire in the fire pit and Tomas roasted his first marshmallow. He wasn’t too thrilled with the melty texture, but he ate it and asked to roast another.  I think he enjoyed roasting it more than eating it.

Friday night, it happened…every camper’s nightmare – total torrential downpour! We slept through it and awoke to the pounding of the rain. We dreaded packing up our mud soaked tent but we had to be out of the park by 10. We played inside the tent until the rain let up then packed it in.  I still feel mud between my toes no matter how often I wash them!

All in all, a fab trip.

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  1. Gillian says:

    Wow, this looks like just an amazing trip. The wildlife you saw and beautiful beaches seem unreal! So proud of you guys for your enthusiasm and openness to adventure. It sure isn’t easy to travel with little ones, but totally worth it!