Bronze Medallion

Posted: 19th May 2013 by Bethany in random

After 6 weeks of intense training, I completed my bronze medallion in March, 2013. So, I am one of the Australian Surf Life Savers! Yay! It was a big accomplishment so I thought I’d include a short post on our family website. Being a Surf Life Saver at Coogee beach is similar to being a life guard – it’s just run by a differenct association. The ASLS patrol beaches wearing yellow and red uniforms. They are equipped with life saving equipment including surf boards, rescue floaties, and rescue motor boats to name a few. I’ll be on patrol next season and I plan to supervise the nippers, the kids group that learns water saftetly and trains in the ocean.

Here are some photos from my training and practical exam. There’s also a video link from the day of the practical exam. It was fun!     Click on the link (don’t copy and paste)



  1. Meme says:

    Congratulations! That’s a big deal. Tomas and Ethan get it that mom has done something special.