Bare necessities

Posted: 7th September 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Tomas’ performance for kindie to year 2 was held at the prestigious Nida theatre at UNSW. Each class did a song and dance. Tomas’ class (KI) performed the Bare Necessities! It was super cute. The bears danced in a clump at the centre of the stage. It took a few minutes to pick Tomas out among the bears!
The show went for an hour and Ethan very entertained watching it all. Lucky for us that our dear friend Maddie came along. She kept Ethan occupied during those critical last 15 minutes and what a nice surprise for Tomas to see Maddie at the end of the show.

Great performance by all the little-ees!



(Photos taken before the show)

Also just thought I’d mention that the costumes were made by bits and pieces offered by the school and a lot of sewing by the mums including me!!