April Favs

Posted: 17th May 2010 by Bethany in Monthly Favs
  1. Teta Vera says:


    That is great news and from the way I see it, Beth is pregnant , your contribution is a genetic pool only Michael, and it might be very minor this time around so, that doesn’t count, ha,ha.

    You have to put Michael through every inch of your experience Beth, if he wants to be included in We are pregnant – I tell you Stricek Kas would’ve said: no thank you, in a big hurry, considering my experiences :))

    Tomas is a little boy now, not a baby anymore. He is so very, very cute – can’t wait to see him again but for now, photos are gorgeous and we shall treasure them always.
    You guys look very healthy and happy bunch and with the new baby coming, you’ll have a full house – fun and laughter and joy – Bravooooo!

    Great for Tomas – brother or sister, having a sibling will be a huge joy for him – he will have a constant built in companion for the rest of his life –
    nothing can come close to that in one’s life.

    Wishing you all continued enjoynment of every minute in lovely Australia
    Our sincere CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to all….
    Love, Hugs and Kisses
    Teta Vera, Stricek Kas and the whole gang
    Special Huge kisses to Tomas xoxoxoxoxoxo