April Bash

Posted: 16th April 2012 by Bethany in random

Here’s a mish-mash of photos from April. Some of the highlights include:

  • Easter dinner at our friend, Jonci’s apartment where a small group of people from the uni gathered for an awesome bbq dinner! Tomas and Ethan were the only kids there and they provided lots of entertainment. The gang went over the top and set up a tent on the terrace and put on an egg hunt for the boys. And the best part was, Mike and I actually had a chance to sit and eat dinner, drink wine and converse without too many interruptions! A rarity for sure! Mike also found a cool spider to show the kids which they’ll all inspecting in the photos below. It was a great time over all!
  • Feeding the chickens at our friend Rob’s house while he and his family were away. The kids were thrilled to save our veggie and fruit scraps for the chooks and deliver them every morning along with their usual water and grain breakfast. Tomas was in charge of checking the coop for eggs every afternoon as on average each chook lays one egg per day. It was thrilling for the kids. The only problem now is that Tomas wants one! Also, while the kids were at Rob’s, they jumped on the much loved trampoline. Somehow I missed getting photos of this on my mobile phone, but stay tuned….I’ll dig some up.
  • Lots of beach time. For the past 2 weeks we’ve had unusually warm weather for Fall. It’s been more like summer, hot and sunny. So the kids and I have spent loads of time playing in the sand, on the grass, and splashing in the water.

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