A little OCD

Posted: 23rd July 2010 by Bethany in random

Mike and I got a real kick out of this……

We watched Tomas place his construction stickers in his sketch book and noticed that he carefully separated them into sections, for example, pylons, stop sign and dump trucks. When he encountered a sticker that had 2 items such as a pylon and stop sign, Tomas asked us to cut the sticker to separate the two objects. Ok, this was interesting.

Then he proceeded to get his small construction trucks and place them on the paper in their respective sections. Wow. When I think about some of the milestones for toddlers, and identifying like objects is one of them, I think Tomas has got it!

Here’s a photo of his work.

  1. andrea says:

    Super cute – such a smart boy… was there any doubt though with such great parents?!?!

    Will try to get on Skype tomorrow (Sunday) – we’re off to the ROM this afternoon.

    miss you lots,


  2. cindy Mousseau says:

    Hey there! Milestones are so amazing. And I like that one! He’s going to be organized. Two thumbs up. = )