Happy Christmas!!

Posted: 15th January 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Because we moved on Christmas eve, things were a bit hectic (understandably). We managed to move everything by 4pm Christmas Eve with the help of two movers and our dear friend who watched the kids all day.
We invited our dear friends who had watched the kids all day to join us for a BBQ and drinks christmas eve which they did and we also went upstairs to our new neighbours for a street party. It was finally feeling like Christmas!!
Mike and I planned ahead so that all the pressies from Santa were wrapped and put in a specially marked box. All we had to do was deteriorate the tree -not bad!
Xmas day and the kids took no time in tearing open their pressies – to the point that mike and I told them to wait and take turns- something my Nana always had us do and I wondered why!!
Christmas day we had two lovely families over for dinner – who knew we’d do so much entertaining in our very new apartment! Dinner was excellent – pork belly and lamb cutlets chez Mike,  gorgeous spicy couscous salad chez Eleanor and decadent brownies chez Sally for dessert.

