Canada Trip Vol 3: San Francisco

Posted: 8th August 2011 by Bethany in Big Trips

At the end  of June Mike and I went to San Francisco for 4 days to visit our good friend, Damian. We spent the first day touring around one of the hippie suburbs (whose name I now forget).  We saw some amazing street art in that area and so pent the better part of the afternoon taking photos. We ended up walking quite a distance -one of Damian’s ‘short walks’ and encountering more unusual art at each corner.

Day 2, Mike and I spent together, hiking through Muir Woods (an old red wood forest), having a picnic, stopping at the Golden Gate Bridge, and driving along scenic highway 1 towards Reyes Point. That evening Damian took us out for dinner to an authentic Mexican restaurant in The Mission suburb where we enjoyed delicious tacos that of course Damian ordered for us as no one spoke English as far as I could tell. Mike even tried the cow’s tongue taco which I must say did not appeal to me in the least, but he said it was great! After dinner we went for another ‘short walk’ to a hypster bar. It had a great fell about it and the beer was super refreshing after our spicy dinner and ‘short walk’.

Day 3 and we’re off to Napa Valley. Damian, our tour guide extraordinaire had made reservations at 3 wineries and dinner reservations at a 1 Michelan star restaurant. We started tasting wine around 12pm – the wine was incredible (ok, I’m not much of a sommelier – I’m sure I could have used several other adjectives there!). The scenery also took my breath away. It reminded me of the Province region in France. Beautiful rolling hills of grape vines.  I may have over done it because I could barely get my Michelan star meal down the hatch! I ended up taking my main course home with me!

Day 4 – went out for a yummy breakfast. I must say, the restaurants that Damian took us to were out of this world. Then off to the airport. We had such a fabulous time Damian! Thanks for everything!


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  1. Cindy says:

    Wow! I’ll have to go there some day. What a great side trip for you two to take together. (a little honeymoon!)