Archive for February, 2015

Summer fun!

Posted: 28th February 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Enjoying the summer! Backyard fun! Rocky the giraffe came home from daycare and we had so much fun! Ethan anticipated the start of soccer season. ..2 months from now. Riding the waves at Coogee Beach. Now at Maroubra Beach – love that we are so close to 2 amazing beaches! Jelly fish along Maroubra Beach […]

Camping at Coolendal

Posted: 26th February 2015 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This camping trip started off well…. We camped in a lovely spot, a stretch of grassland amongst a pretty dense forest along the shoalhaven river. The river was quite fast moving and had rapids that were a huge hit with everyone! You just needed to rent life jackets (at least for the kids) to be […]