Archive for November, 2014

Trick or Treat

Posted: 1st November 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This year, Tomas was Vitruvius from the Lego Movie and Ethan was a skeleton cat. In case you don’t know, Vitruvius is a groovy looking wizard. I helped Tomas make his costume, but he painted his shirt and his staff. Ethan had most of his costume already with the addition of cat ears. Tomas was […]

Ethan turns 4!

Posted: 1st November 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

We had a ninja party in our backyard to celebrate Ethan’s 4th birthday. He invited a few friends from ‘school’ , or rather, daycare, and three came, which made it a special day. In total there were 14 kids. We played musical statues, pass the parcel, and had a treasure hunt – all good fun! […]