Archive for September, 2014

Coogee Public Art Show

Posted: 29th September 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

The art work by Tomas’ class 1S: This piece went for $900 at the auction – what a money making event this was!! Tomas’ individual piece: Which I have purchase for a bargain at $20! This one’s going on the wall! Individual works were inspired by:

My (gulp) 40th

Posted: 29th September 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

As it turns out being 40 is not much different from 39. However, I won’t be counting birthdays from now on!! Mike threw me a surprise party which was amazing! I had hummed and hawed about having a party for a month or more as I wasn’t sure how to manage it –  you know, […]