Archive for August, 2014

Science in the swamp

Posted: 25th August 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Doesn’t get much better than the science in the swamp! We took Jonah along and the boys had a great time together as these three get along so well. We saw fruit bats, reptiles and fish up close and we even touched some of them. We also partook in fun science experiments and spent a […]

Book week

Posted: 24th August 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Tomas dressed up as Tom from the book The Time Hunters  which is about a boy who travels to different time periods and has adventures. Tom dones regular clothes for the most part and two swords – an easy costume to whip up! The morning if the parade tho Tomas mentions that Tom fights as […]

End of a great soccer season

Posted: 22nd August 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Both boys were thrilled to get their trophies! Of course Tomas is asking to join a summer soccer league already- he loves this sport!!

Dad and his boys….

Posted: 17th August 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

The Gruffalo at the Theater!

Posted: 17th August 2014 by Bethany in Outings

A common story amongst the kids, The Gruffalo – and what a live performance it was! The kids were completely taken by the 3 people on stage – it was so fun!

Snowy holiday

Posted: 17th August 2014 by Bethany in Holidays

So this July we went to Perisher ski resort, our favourite spot in the snowy mountain. We booked our trip for the week following school holidays so that we wouldn’t encounter too many people, but it was quite busy anyway. We lucked out with great snow conditions though- the best snow since the 1980s!! There […]

Meme’s visit

Posted: 6th August 2014 by Bethany in Holidays

In April, my mum, known as Meme (pronounced with a French accent aigu), came to visit for 3 weeks. As our blog was on the fritz for the past few months, I have yet to post any photos from her trip, so here is the brief version of our 3 weeks together! Meme arrived and […]