Archive for April, 2014

Funky hair day at school

Posted: 3rd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

To raise $$ for leukemia…..

Ducklings at Ethan’s daycare (ROCK)

Posted: 3rd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Last day of nippers

Posted: 2nd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

In a sea of lime caps there’s Tomas giving his all on the last day of nippers for the season!

Making use of our yard

Posted: 2nd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Worm farm and garden bed set up at last. A big thanks to Mike for building the garden bed frame (with help from the kids of course). This is our first attempt at growing some veggies and herbs …..we’ll see how green our thumbs are!!

First trip to the barber

Posted: 2nd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

New hair cuts and new watches turned my kids into this!!!!

First day if school

Posted: 2nd April 2014 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Year 1 already! (January 31 2014)